Tradizione Kantatuz, Aurrerabiderantz
[cover story by Ander Egiluz Beramendi]
La Rép des Pyrénées
Garindein: des voix du sud et d’Amérique au festival de la chanson basque
[news report about NOKA’s concert in Garindein]
eitb.eus | el blog de Roge
Noka y Mikel Markez, el oeste americano con sabor euskaldun
[News blog about the NOKA and Mikel Markez tour]
Noka eta Mikel Markez, Bros eta Forma Antiqva ariko dira gaur
[news report about NOKA in the culture section]
Baladeen Pays Basque
Markez, Martikorena et NOKA à Elizondo
[news report about NOKA tour with Mikel Markez]
Mikel Markez eta NOKA taldearen disko berria
[press release about new Bi Ahizpak disc launch]
Euskal Kazeta
NOKA trio on tour with Mikel Markez
[news report by Ander Egiluz Beramendi on NOKA’s tour with Mikel Markez in the Western U.S.]
Bakersfield Basque Symposium
[news article on Bakersfield’s Basque Symposium featuring NOKA]